I'm standing here in the kitchen, making eggs and toast, and listening to Special Agent Oso. I've got zero makeup on and look like scary Oprah.

My hair is being held back by sunglasses because I couldn't find a hairband, but the sunglasses were sitting here on my countertop, so why not?
My laundry pile is sky high again because I didn't touch it all weekend, and apparently, no one else in this house wanted to touch it either. Fantastic.
I kept Matthew home from school because he was coughing so bad this morning, but now he's totally made a fool out of me because he is running around like a madman....not coughing at all.
My coffee is cold, but I'm still drinking it.
It's only 9:02am but it's already been one of those mornings.
And then this pops up in my Google Alerts....
"Another mom on The Bump, Just Jess, admits she loves following the blogger behind The McMommy Chronicles for similar reasons. "She's a great writer - funny and real. I feel like if we lived near each other, we'd be great friends."
OMG. Seriously, that article should be titled "Why mommy bloggers love moms." because, Just Jess, I have no idea who you are but you just made my whole day SO MUCH BETTER! The best thing about blogging for me is knowing I'm not alone in this crazy ride of motherhood.
So thank you to Just Jess....and EVERY SINGLE ONE of you who are loyal readers of the McMommy Chronicles. Whether you know it or not, you give me a much needed outlet everyday to tell my stories about life. (Did I mention much needed?)
And we would be great friends in real life, wouldn't we?
I'd even put on makeup for you.
Aww, how awesome! This Kansas mom ♥ you, too!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome. Talk about a mood lifter. That has to be an amazing feeling.
ReplyDeleteThat's so cool!! And definitely a good way to start out an otherwise iffy day!
ReplyDeleteHey I'm from Kansas...and a mom...and LOVE me some McMommy too...! Whoot whoot!
ReplyDeleteThat would make any bad day turn into a great day for sure!
ReplyDeleteWe ♥ you, too, honey!
Or better yet, if I was your real life friend I wouldn't even care if you didn't put on makeup or wear a headband in stead of your sunglasses to hold your hair back. That's the kind of awesome friend I am. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome!!! Well this Nebraska mom loves you too! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry if we met IRL you wouldn't have to put on makeup for me....I've got 3 kids and understand no makeup! I think my mascara is WAY past the throw away timeline! :)
Count me in with the Kansas mommies that loves McMommy!! (And, no makeup necessary)
ReplyDeleteI heart you! When I see you posted a new post...I get all excited! Ready to laugh...you never dissappoint!!
ReplyDeleteWow - that's so cool!!
ReplyDeleteIt is the little things, or in this case, the big things - congrats on the massive shout out.
P.S. you really should have a warning posted somewhere about that Oprah shot. Zowweee. On a positive note, looks like today will be a "good" diet day - appetite officially dead.
You bring smiles to our day with your witty writing! A little laugh to lighten the chaos of motherhood.
ReplyDeleteYou totally rock! What a great way to start a Monday!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great way to start your day! I'm a total fan, and see the things that you go through with your boys as my future with my kids. What's funny is that my hubby and I are trying to plan a family vacation for when he's done with deployment and I'm all, "Hey, let's go to Florida and do the Disney World thing!" thinking secretly, "maybe I can meet up with McMommy for some wine and we can be become new best friends and I can convince the hubby to go to doctoral school in Florida so we can move next door to the McMommy fam and our boys and become best friends..." Lol.
ReplyDeleteThis Utah momma loves you too! I think your washing machine post saved my life! And my towels... Besides that, your kiddo's are pretty similar in age to mine, and it is so nice to be able to follow your daily antics. THANK YOU for allowing me to be part of your life!
ReplyDeleteI read you more than I watch Oprah, if that says anything!
ReplyDeleteI hope your day takes a turn for the better. How nice to stumble upon something like that right when you need it.
ReplyDeleteI am home with two sick kids today. Headed to the doctor this afternoon. Fun times! I did get warm coffee and some laundry and dishes done so it sounds like my day started out better. I did kick my husband out of our bed so I could sleep close to our two sick kids since I was worried about their coughs and breathing. Except their coughs they aren't acting too sick today either. Oh well, at least I will feel reassured once the doctor checks them out.
Thanks for keeping it real! I love to read your blog - I've been reading for a long time but finally added myself as a follower today.
ReplyDeleteYou (and your family) rock!
Gah, I so hear you on keeping a kid home sick only to find them running around an hour later! I am always so tempted to dress them and pack them up and drop them off!
ReplyDeleteLoyal reader here too! Love your blog. Your personality shines through! The only embarrassing thing is when I'm talking to actual IRL friends or my husband and I talk about my "friend" McMommy. People sorta look at you funny.
Thta's cool :)
ReplyDeleteAnother shout of love from a KS mama! When I "met" you your writings brought tears of laughter to eyes teary from no sleep, a fussy newborn and difficult recovery from delivery. My youngest two are boys (2 mo. & 2 yrs) So the stories of your boys give me a heads up of what I'm in for!
ReplyDeleteThanks for teaching me to laugh, to use ointment for the "girls" as a beauty product, and know that I'm not the only one surrounded by 6 loads of laundry on a Monday AM!!
Keep on posting so I don't suffer from McMommy withdrawals a.k.a McDrawals!
BOYS! My little monkey was up all night, and made me so worried, then when I kept him home from daycare and myself from work, he seems just fine! Maybe its an ear ache, or maybe he just needed mommy-aidyn time!!!! So here we sit on my big bed watching thomas.. and you know what? I'm not wearing any make up either!!!! In fact I havent even gotten dressed!!!!!
This future stepmom in Kansas reads your blog, too!
ReplyDeleteWay to represent, KC!
...I apologize for being a little off topic, but have to say: I despise Special Agent Oso. Quite possibly THE most annoying show on TV.
ReplyDeleteLove your site. Can't always comment b/c when I read, I am holding a newborn. You make me laugh. Always. Keep up the great writing.
ReplyDeleteDid you know I've almost been following you for a year all thanks to Twitter? Yeah, I blame you for my addiction to blogging, blog hopping and the crack that is blog commenting. I...Blame....You....
ReplyDeleteHave a happy day!! :o)
Comments like that are pure gold to bloggers.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder if I have my own Jess out there in the Heartland...
Nah, I didn't think so. But my parents do enjoy reading.
How cool is that!!?? What a way to start a day!
ReplyDeletevery awesome!! We in TX luv you too!! Keep on writing & Of course, we'd be friends....so um, when are you moving to TX???!
ReplyDeleteThat is super cool! This Texas momma loves ya, too! I spend so much time reading I forget to update my own blog! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great pat on the back! Super cool.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic compliment for you! I'm so glad you are blogging more (even with a "real job"! lol).
ReplyDeleteWow, That so cool! When I grow up I want to be like McMommy! Just Jess nailed it, I love the way you write!
ReplyDeleteAaa! That is AWESOME!
ReplyDeletewe love you, what can we say?? haha!
This California mom can't get enough of McMommy!
So great! Also, my daughter pulled that whole coughing, my tummy hurts crap, yeah well by 9:30 am she was fine. lol
ReplyDeleteGlad that this day improved for you. Nothing like a pick-me-up ego style. I usually have to head to medicine cabinet for my little pick-me-ups. =)
ReplyDeleteyou know you rock mcmommy... you rock
ReplyDeleteThose mornings all all too familiar to me! And you do rock, McMommy! xo
ReplyDeleteYou know.. Oso could help with your laundry in Three Easy Steps...
ReplyDeleteThat's all you need..
Congrats on the mention.. People have mentioned my blog but usually in ways to make them induce vomiting.
We do love you! This is a wonderful community. Glad you found this on a morning when you REALLY needed it! : )
ReplyDeleteWe could be real life friends & hang around with no makeup on until O's makeup artist comes over & makes us look like totally different people & our kids won't recognize us.
ReplyDeleteAmen sister! What did mommies do without the Internet and blogs?!
ReplyDeleteI am new to blogging (even though I used to have a mom's website), so I am just trying to find other moms out there who are telling the truth about motherhood - you know, the stuff that we feel guilty talking about! ;-)
-The (Un)Experienced Mom
This Jess and Kansas reads your blog too! I puffy heart it!