Are you smarter than a kindergartner?
Last week on Instagram, I posted this pic and caption: You thought I...Paint War Gender Reveal
This past month, life has been going along and I really haven't felt inspired...Who writes blog posts at 3am?
ME, THAT’S WHO. Why? Well, sometime around 2am, Matthew woke up screaming...On Raising Tony Soprano
{an actual conversation that took place today in the car} Carter:...The post where I cry and make up words.
Look, I don't know if it's all this fresh cold air suddenly blowing through...Whenever I need a reminder, I read this...
“All my babies are gone now. I say this not in sorrow but in disbelief. I...Like Dr. Evil. Only shorter and with more hair.
Carter: “Mommy? Can I have those scissors?” Me: ...Four years ago....
He was one and half years old.... ...but his paws were still the...Come Fly with Me: An Airplane Party!
(This post circa 2010 is being re-published by special...M+C+Mommy
I read you some old retired posts from my blog tonight for the first time...Thank you for the advice, Anna Quindlen.
"I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing:...The Worst Balloon Maker Guy In the History of Balloon Maker Guys.
{Kids Eat Free Night} Oh, wow....what did the balloon guy make...At least you didn't have to deal with HER this morning.
I've only been back blogging a week and I'm ALREADY on vacation?!?...Rules of the Pool
On yesterday's post, I received this comment from Kmama: I'm so glad...The $1000 costume.
TRICK OR TREAT! Sorry I ate all the Reese's Peanut Butter cups but...You and I.
You love anything lemon. ME TOO. People are lucky we don't...10 Things You Need to Know Before You Have Your First Kid.
When I was pregnant with my first, I soaked up all the parenting books,...Pool side.
1. Oh. You have your baby. In a bar. 2. I heard...Mac Attack.
Due to a long story that I'll later tell, I needed to get my kids a new...5 and 8.
I remember when I was a walking zombie. I was young but I felt so old....The other firsts.
There are certain moments that I clearly remember being so excited for as a...Six {aka the Spongebob party}
Guess what day it is today? Annoy Squidward day? No, silly. That's...Rear view mirror.
When did we get here, boys? The car rides without sippy cups of...Screwed.
Hi. I am super tired. I was going to write you a fresh post today...I bet I failed at parenting more today than you did.
Today at the park, my kids kicked off their shoes. GROSS. But we...
Monday, February 22, 2010
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