Call Matt Damon cause I have some apples.
Sometimes I get into a non-writing rut. And when that happens, I just let...Be jealous.
You know what's awesome? ~When you essentially do not sleep the entire...Can't Live Without My....{under $20 beauty edition]
Here is what I'm loving lately.....and bonus??? All under twenty...PICTURE THIS.
BAM! I held up my end of the deal. I love it when I actually follow...So THIS is what happened.
So I popped over to my parents' house to say hello one evening after work...What Happened?
So this happened: Any guesses as to what this was about?The Office.
My current job is pretty great, but mostly because of the people I work...Friday Nonsense.
1. I hope someone around here has been going around checking all the...Tag. I'm it.
{I was tagged to answer these questions. Nice. Let’s get this party...The couch at 4pm.
This would be my wild child at 4pm this afternoon: Not sick. Just...I love Kansas, and people named Jess, and every single one of my blog readers.
I'm standing here in the kitchen, making eggs and toast, and listening to...Whenever I need a reminder, I read this...
“All my babies are gone now. I say this not in sorrow but in disbelief. I...Come Fly with Me: An Airplane Party!
(This post circa 2010 is being re-published by special...Red Lipstick: Take Two.
Out of all the posts I have ever written on this blog, I find it CRAZY CRAZY...Hi.
There are about a million things I should be doing right now. Firing this...M+C+Mommy
I read you some old retired posts from my blog tonight for the first time...Bahamian Ketchup
It's catch up time. Bahamian style! 1. What kind of girl re-starts her...Now hiring: Pin-ssistant.
Pinterest always makes me want an assistant. Because let's be...Crushed.
My two girl crushes? Sofia Vergara and Brooke Burke. Sidebar:...My Advice for Christina Applegate {and other working moms}.
I was recently perusing my typical intellectual reading(*cough gossip website...Brain Potpourri
1. I just wrote that title and realized....does anyone even get that...Because it still hurts.
Incomprehensible pain. One of the news websites used those two words as a...{twenty thirteen}
I plan to......... 1. Take more pictures. 2. Try to be more of a...State of the Blogosphere
So it's 2013 and I realize I am the yellow Walkman of the blogosphere. I was...TO BE CONTINUED.....
OMG YOU GUYS I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU. Story coming soon. I need...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
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